Why has God confused people by hiding Himself?

Why has God confused people by hiding Himself?

Why has God confused people by hiding Himself?

Question: Why has God confused people by hiding Himself? What is the wisdom of Allah in this? The first part of the question is like a person standing behind a wall and objecting that the person standing on the other side of the wall is not visible to me. Or a person should object that a person sitting two thousand kilometers away from him is not seeing him with his eyes. ? Or should I say, why is the maker of the water jug ​​not looking inside the jug? Or how about the question of why the Toyota factory does not have its vehicles inside? May my computer ask me why you didn’t sit inside me or why you couldn’t sleep inside me? Or should my son say that I was born because of you, why are you not inside me?

Or why there is no tea maker inside the tea cup? Why is the factory of the company that makes the phone not inside the phone? What will happen if these questions are asked? Just like a person cannot see another person because of a wall, because there is a barrier between them. In the same way, there is a gap or a barrier between you and God, which will be removed soon, i.e. on the Day of Resurrection.

I can’t put it inside my computer for that because it can put you inside the computer in the function that you need coding or programming in the same way in the computer software it’s written on the menu book to make They come to it by meeting. Like a mobile, a car, and my computer, this world is in front of God.

لَا تُدۡرِكُهُ الۡاَبۡصَارُ وَهُوَ يُدۡرِكُ الۡاَبۡصَارَ ۚ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيۡفُ الۡخَبِيۡرُ ۞

Translation: You are not his brother and he is sure of everything’ he knows very well.

Second part of the question briefly There is no doubt that this is wisdom. Belief in the unseen, trials and rewards and punishments all revolve around this wisdom. If God was visible, such doubts would not have arisen. The whole world would be Muslim. The imagination would have ended.


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