Saudi Arabia should recognize Israel before defense deal

Saudi Arabia should recognize Israel before defense deal

Saudi Arabia should recognize Israel before defense deal

The United States will not make any defense agreement with Saudi Arabia until Saudi Arabia recognizes Israel as a state.

Us National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that if Saudi Arabia recognizes Israel, then a defense deal can be signed with Saudi Arabia and if Saudi Arabia does not recognize Israel, then there can be no defense agreement with Saudi Arabia until Saudi Arabia recognizes Israel. If the United States makes defense agreements with Saudi Arabia and provides modern weapons to Saudi Arabia, then in the future, Saudi Arabia may start fighting with Israel if things worsen with Israel, in which American weapons will be used and America does not want its weapons to be used against its ally.

It should be remembered that at present, rallies are being held in favor of Palestine all over the world, including The United States, in this grip, America has also been severely affected, at this time the people in America are demanding answers from the rulers why they did not help the oppressed people of Palestine.

The worst example of this has been seen in the local elections of Britain, where about a dozen mayors have been elected and the anti-Muslim and pro-Israel party has been defeated.

At such a point, a statement from the United States can affect the upcoming elections in the near future.


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