Keys to Success (4) – Adopting Positive Thinking

Keys to Success (4) - Adopting Positive Thinking

Keys to Success (4) – Adopting Positive Thinking

Written by: S.M. Shah

Positive thinking plays a key role in a person’s success. If you fill your mind with positive thinking, then negative thinking will not even come close to you. One of the main purposes of sending the Prophets was to change the way people think and think. For this reason, Islam has paid special attention to “good intention”. “Inma-ul-Kareem Baalniyat” means that all the actions of man depend on his intention. Islam has also kept in mind the psychological element that human thinking should be converted into positive thinking. If a person works for the welfare of all the human beings of the world after the oneness of Allah, the prophethood and prophethood of 124,000 prophets, the leadership and guidance of the twelve Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and a firm belief in the Day of Resurrection, helping all the poor, providing shade to all orphans as well as taking the responsibility of their education and training, treating all the suffering patients. to treat, to help all the needy, to support all the helpless, to be the shelter of all the destitute,

To defend all the oppressed, to deal with all oppressors, to bring all the oppressors to justice, to publicize justice and to fight oppression and barbarism, to abolish the class system, to promote peace and to root out hatred and enmity, to eliminate social injustices and to root out social crimes, to promote injustice and to promote injustice and injustice. If he intends to deal with indecency, it is as if he has dedicated his life to the service of humanity. At this time, Allah gives such a person the reward and reward for doing all these good deeds due to “good intention”. Although some things may not be done in practice.

A positive thinker never considers the tragedies and events happening in the universe as evil, but considers such things as part of the cosmic system and divine.

Positive thinking is the name of getting the best result from the worst situations.

There are strong chances of a lot of positive aspects coming out when one starts looking for the positive side in any issue.

Two such people of the society who have equal facilities of life but one of them is living a prosperous life while the other person is living moments of life in a state of restlessness and misery. Such people are looking for the causes of prosperity in the world outside themselves, while all the causes of prosperity are available within man’s own existence.

Look at the situation in Palestine today. Israel has been bombing oppressed Palestinians for eight months. Seeing this state of misery of innocent oppressed Palestinians, the eyes of every conscientious person in the world are shocked, but despite this, not only the effects of disappointment do not appear on the face of any Palestinian, but a smile is seen on his lips with his wounded face. These people are also sharing smiles in the middle of the ruins. Despite losing all loved ones, his heart is content.

For they have a heartfelt belief that Allah, who created us from non-existence, sees all this, and this is the divine promise that there are eases after hardships. In the war between the oppressor and the oppressed, the victory is always for the oppressed, because it is the Sunnah of God that oppression is then oppression, then it increases, then it disappears. All this has been possible due to his strong faith in Allah and positive thinking.

It is a complete law that whatever man seeks, he finds it as a result. A person can keep another person happy when he himself is prosperous and he himself can prosper when he realizes and realizes the godly abilities within him and the blessings given to him by Allah. The feeling of all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon a person causes him to attain peace of heart and satisfaction. Therefore, for a person with positive thinking, in principle, one should always be prosperous. Sometimes it is normal to be upset. Because the grace of Allah is forever and not for a particular time.

The incident of Hazrat Yusuf and Hazrat Zainab (AS) is enough to highlight the importance of positive thinking. Hazrat Yusuf (AS) remained in the grip of the oppression of his brothers for 25 years, his father Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) fell in his arms and his eyes became white, despite suffering all kinds of sufferings, after meeting his father After 25 years, Hazrat Yusuf (AS) said instead of raising a complaint against his brothers. He has done me a great favor by delivering me from the darkness and giving me the opportunity to pass away from you. Satan created a riot between me and my brothers.

Similarly, after sacrificing brothers and sons and spending the harshest moments of captivity, Hazrat Zainab (a.s.) says in the court of Ibn Ziyad that I have seen nothing but goodness and beauty from my God. This is a truly positive approach.

From here, it appears that a person’s behavior changes according to his perspective compared to worldly problems and difficulties and sufferings. In this way, by adopting a positive attitude, a person can bring out beautiful aspects even in the toughest moments of life. To do so can only be achieved under the shadow of firm faith and firm faith in Allah and perfect faith. So we should learn the art of living a prosperous life by adopting positive thinking.


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