100 women join Afghan police

100 women join Afghan police

100 women join Afghan police

More than 100 women have been inducted into the Afghan police.

According to details, the Afghan government’s official media announced yesterday that 100 women officers graduating from the Afghan Police Academy have started performing their duties in the Emirates Islamic Government.

This step is considered very important by the Afghan government, which is because the thinking about Afghanistan in the West and international media is that there is no future for women in Afghanistan because the Afghan government does not provide any quota of jobs to women nor do women have any involvement in any kind of government affairs.

The Afghan Taliban government has given a message to the world by taking this step that women in Afghanistan can also work freely.

After these women, more women are also receiving training in different stages, while many types of training are also being provided to women regarding different institutions, which will soon be included in these institutions after graduating women.


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